Monday, 28 May 2018

Community Garden.

Today we went to the community garden. One of my friends mum’s, was at the park already when we
got there. She told us we could do, hut building, mud pie making, and big hotel constructing. I spent all
my time on the hut, and the photo below is me dragging a big stick to it from the tree where the stick had fallen down.
We made walls first for the hut and then put big sticks on the top for a frame for the roof. We made the
back part of the roof by chucking heaps of bracken and leaves on the top.
Another part of the roof was made when we chucked some big billboards on the trees and made
a little relaxing place with milk crates for seats.
My friend Leo also made a bar and was serving fries (bits of wood) to people who passed by.
We found an old computer with a strange orange liquid in it which my friend said was poisonous,
but overall the experience was amazing and I can’t wait to go back.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Vertebrates and invertebrates.

This term we have been learning about invertebrates and vertebrates. I did a slide show on them and also a Kahoot unfortunately I couldn't put the Kahoot on my blog so I just did my slide show about them.
Here it is.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Right time, right place, right thing, poster.

This term we did a cyber smart poster with our buddies about doing the right thing. It was exciting and we had a lot fun making it.


Metamorhposis activity.

This week we did a small activity on a life cycle of a butterfly or a frog, I chose to do the butterfly one, and I finished it early. It was interesting learning about somethings about and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process.

Friday, 4 May 2018

100 word challenge.

At the start of this term we did a 100 word challenge, when you write a story which has 100 words, obviously. I didn't want to write it at first but it turned out to be really exciting when I got into it. I accidentally made it 110 words.
If you want to read it look to the side.


I stepped out of my cabin aboard the Amazon. An aircraft carrier with the sole purpose of testing a new solar powered fighter aircraft. Breathless with excitement and fear, I stepped into the shining plane. I admired the smooth controls and the sparkling steering wheel. I put my hand on the controls and revved the engine. The plane sped out over the deck of the ship and shot up into the air, the feeling was exhilarating. I was skimming over the clouds. Suddenly all of my controls went black, the plane’s engine spluttered and died. My mouth stretched in a silent scream as I plummeted back towards deck.

I stepped out of my cabin aboard the Amazon. An aircraft carrier with the sole purpose of testing a new solar powered fighter aircraft. Breathless with excitement and fear, I stepped into the shining plane. I admired the smooth controls and the sparkling steering wheel. I put my hand on the controls and revved the engine. The plane sped out over the deck of the ship and shot up into the air, the feeling was exhilarating. I was skimming over the clouds. Suddenly all of my controls went black, the plane’s engine spluttered and died. My mouth stretched in a silent scream as I plummeted back towards deck.

I stepped out of my cabin aboard the Amazon. An aircraft carrier with the sole purpose of testing a new I stepped out of my cabin aboard the Amazon. An aircraft carrier with the sole purpose of testing a new solar powered fighter aircraft. Breathless with excitement and fear, I stepped into the shining plane. I admired the smooth controls and the sparkling steering wheel. I put my hand on the controls and revved the engine. The plane sped out over the deck of the ship and shot up into the air, the feeling was exhilarating. I was skimming over the clouds. Suddenly all of my controls went black, the plane’s engine spluttered and died. My mouth stretched in a silent scream as I plummeted back towards deck.
solar powered fighter aircraft. Breathless with excitement and fear, I stepped into the shining plane. I admired the smooth controls and the sparkling steering wheel. I put my hand on the controls and revved the engine. The plane sped out over the deck of the ship and shot up into the air, the feeling was exhilarating. I was skimming over the clouds. Suddenly all of my controls went black, the plane’s engine spluttered and died. My mouth stretched in a silent scream as I plummeted back towards deck.